Phalaenopsis Liu's Little Tortoise-shell Cat (Chiada Stacy x lobbii)
Phalaenopsis 'Blue Bear' x Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blue Python'
Phalaenopsis 'M909'
Phalaenopsis (Brother Strawberry-Brother Sara Gold) 'ES'
Phalaenopsis (Ching Shang Stripe-Sogo Vivien) 'ES'
Phalaenopsis (Ho's French Fantasia x Ever Spring King) 'Light'
Phalaenopsis (Judy Su x Yaphon Lover)
Phalaenopsis (Mel's Lovely Giant x Mituo Golden Tiger) x Mituo Speciosa Dragon
Phalaenopsis (Miro Supper Star 'MO198' x LD Sun Dragon 'MO98') x Mituo Purple Dragon
Phalaenopsis (Mituo 24 Solar Terms x YangYang Black Ludde)
Phalaenopsis (Mituo Sun King x gigantea 'M#2')
Phalaenopsis (Mituo Sun x Ching Her Buddha)
Phalaenopsis (Paifong I Len-Misty Green)
Phalaenopsis (Sogo Gotris-Taida Pearl) 'ES-2'
Phalaenopsis (Sogo Relex - GW Green World) 'Yaphon'
Phalaenopsis (Sogo Viven-Yu Pin Fire Works) 'ES'
Phalaenopsis (Tzu Chiang Balm-Brother Sara Gold) 'ES-1'
Phalaenopsis (World Class-amabilis) x Sin Yuan Golden Beauty
Phalaenopsis (YangYang Black Ludde x Lioulin Blue Parrot)
Phalaenopsis (YangYang Blue Dance x Jennifer Palermo)
Phalaenopsis (YangYang Blue Flash x YangYang Blue Dance)
Phalaenopsis (YangYang Blue Flash x YangYang Blue Liulii)
Phalaenopsis (YangYang Blue Surprise x Lioulin Blue Parrot)
Phalaenopsis (YangYang Blue Surprise x YangYang Ever Blue)
Phalaenopsis (YangYang blue Surprise x YangYang Black Ludde)
Phalaenopsis (Yaphon Image x Fusheng Beauty Star) x Mituo Purple Dragon '#43'
Phalaenopsis (Yaphon Perfume x Taida Pearl) 'ES'
Phalaenopsis (Zuma Pixie-Taida Pearl) 'ES'
Phalaenopsis Allura 'Dracarys'
Phalaenopsis Allura 'Santa Claus'
Phalaenopsis Amnio Gentlmen 'ES' AN6608
Phalaenopsis Auspice Green Lake 'Huey Ru'
Phalaenopsis Bright Peacock x Voo Doo
Phalaenopsis Brother Princess 'Hai-Tung'
Phalaenopsis Chienlung Sweet Heart 'Green' x Phalaenopsis Mituo GH King Star #31
Phalaenopsis Chienlung Sweetheart x gigantea
Phalaenopsis Ching Ann Gem
Phalaenopsis Chip Chop 'F4586' x mannii 'Black'
Phalaenopsis Diamond Beauty '1202' x Miro Supper Star 'MO198'
Phalaenopsis Diamond Beauty '1202' x Mituo Gelb Eagle 'Rainbow'
Phalaenopsis Diamond Beauty '1202' x Mituo Reflex Dragon 'B-1'
Phalaenopsis Fusheng Fairy Tale 'ES'
Phalaenopsis Germaine Vincent 'Yuyu Rich'
Phalaenopsis Happy Fan Sir x Tying Shin Golden Eagle (LM280)
Phalaenopsis Ho's Phantom of Green Grove 'Mample Bridge' stem prop
Phalaenopsis I-Hsin 'Spot Eagle'
Phalaenopsis I-Hsin Spot Eagle 'Montclair'
Phalaenopsis Jennifer Palermo x Lioulin Blue Peacock (3388)
Phalaenopsis Jennifer Palermo x Lioulin Blue Peacock (3426)
Phalaenopsis Joy Fortune Diamond x Joy х Spring Canary 'Green Lotus'
Phalaenopsis Joy Green-Lotus Beauty seedling
Phalaenopsis Joy Lady's Lip Print (Yungho Gelb Canary 'Joy' x Cherry Spot Alba) seedling
Phalaenopsis Joy Lotus Jade seedling
Phalaenopsis Joy Spring Venus 'No100' stem prop
Phalaenopsis Joy Spring Venus 'Snow White' x Cherry Spot (alba)
Phalaenopsis Joy Spring Venus x Mambo
Phalaenopsis Joy Viol Coral x Joy Viol Kaiulani seedling
Phalaenopsis LD Equeen (Ld's Bear Queen x equestris) variegata
Phalaenopsis LD's Bear King 'YK-14' x Miro Super Star
Phalaenopsis LL Blue In Green x LL Blue Jaguar (3466)
Phalaenopsis LL Blue Owl x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3446)
Phalaenopsis LL Blue Owl x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3463)
Phalaenopsis LL Chameleon x Lioulin Blue Jenny (3268)
Phalaenopsis Ld's Bear King 'YK-7' x Dragon Tree Eagle '168'
Phalaenopsis Ld's Bear King 'YK10' x Ld's Bear King 'RK3'
Phalaenopsis Ld's Bear King x Samera
Phalaenopsis Leco Fantastic
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Bee x CX Violet (3376)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Bee x Lioulin Blue Pheasant (3465) (3418)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Eagle x LL Blue In Green (3454)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Jenny x Lioulin Blue Jenny (3355)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Parrot x Jennifer Palermo (3427)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Parrot x Lioulin Blue Jenny (3393)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Parrot x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3387)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Parrot x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3421)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock 'Prince'
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock x Jennifer Palermo (3369)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock x LL Blue Owl (3425)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock x Lioulin Blue Jenny (3394)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3370)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3385)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3461)
Phalaenopsis Lioulin Blue Peacock x Lioulin Blue Parrot (3462)
Phalaenopsis Little Dragon (stuartiana x celebensis)
Phalaenopsis Little Emperor
Phalaenopsis Liu's Pale Micholitzii 'ES'
Phalaenopsis Liu's Rainbow
Phalaenopsis Liu's Rainbow 'ES'
Phalaenopsis Liu's Twilight stuarti 'KF#1'
Phalaenopsis Lyndon Mix Zebra '278'
Phalaenopsis Mainshow Tiger (cross plants)
Phalaenopsis Meen Estrella x equestris
Phalaenopsis Mel's Lovely Wife (Joy Spring Canary 'Green Lotus' x bellina 'Blue Moon') seedling
Phalaenopsis Miro Super Star
Phalaenopsis Mituo Bellina 'MD'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Blue Bear 'Mituo #1' x (Mituo Super Star x Ya-Yi Qin)
Phalaenopsis Mituo Blue Bear 'Mituo#1' x (Miro Super Star x Ya Yi Queen)
Phalaenopsis Mituo Blue Bear x speciosa coerulea ('Su's Bluish' x 'Su's Coffee Candy') #3
Phalaenopsis Mituo Coral Mambonosa x LD's bear Queen
Phalaenopsis Mituo Diamond 'Black Pearl'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Diamond 'Cinderella'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Equalacea (Equalacea x Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blue Whale')
Phalaenopsis Mituo GH King Star #17 x Java Queen #8
Phalaenopsis Mituo GH King Star #24 x (violacea indigo x (violacea x Su-An Super Star))
Phalaenopsis Mituo GH King Star #26 x (Zheng Min Muscadine '323' x speciosa '41-S' #1)
Phalaenopsis Mituo GH King Star 'Blueberry' x Mituo Golden Tiger 'Green Tiger'
Phalaenopsis Mituo GH King Star 'UV rays'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Gelb Eagle 'Oriole' x Mituo 24 Solar Terms
Phalaenopsis Mituo Gelb Eagle 'Oriole' x Mituo Blue Smurfs 'Blue Sea'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Gelb Eagle 'Oriole' x Mituo Golden Tiger 'Yellow Dragon'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Gelb Eagle 'Oriole' x Mituo Love 'Rainbow-520'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Gelb Eagle 'Oriole' x Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue Ring'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Gelb Eagle 'Y-2' x Mituo Love 'Rainbow-520'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Gigan Dragon 'Litchi'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Golden Jewel 'Ink'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Golden Tiger 'Green Tiger'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Golden Tiger 'Green Tiger' x Mituo 24 Solar Terms 'Black Angel'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Golden Tiger 'Green Tiger' x Mituo Blue Smurfs
Phalaenopsis Mituo Golden Tiger 'Green Tiger' x Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blue Whale'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Golden Tiger 'TTT'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Golden-DT168
Phalaenopsis Mituo King 'Round'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Obsidian 'Golden Toad'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Obsidian 'Neptune'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Obsidian 'Pluto'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Prince 'Bb' x Mituo Reflex 'Dragon' (#11 x #6)
Phalaenopsis Mituo Prince 'Blue and White' x Mituo 24 Solar Terms
Phalaenopsis Mituo Prince 'Rainbow' x Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue -2'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Princess 'Sapphire' x Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blue Python'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon x Yungho Gelb Canary 'Sunshine'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon '#26' x Mituo Speciosa 'Dragon'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'BLue White' x Mituo Golden Tiger 'TTT'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blackberry'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blue Penguin'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blue Python' x Mituo Purple Star
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'M#30' x Yungho Gelb Canary 'Sunshine'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'Meteoric Iron'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'Qilin'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon 'YM'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon Blue x violacea indigo 'SWR835'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon x Sogo Vivien 'VQ'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Purple Dragon x gigantea alba 'Ta wei'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Red Tiger 'Red Lotus'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Red Tiger x Mituo Blue Smurfs 'Blue Sea'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex DD 'Carbonada'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex DD 'Dark Jade'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex DD 'Isosceles triangle'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue - 2' x Mituo Love 'Rainbow-520'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue -2' x (Mituo Sun 'Mituo#2' x Mituo King Bellina)
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue -2' x Mituo 24 Solar Terms
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue -2' x Mituo Blue Bear 'Mituo # B1'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue Ring' x Mituo Sunrise 'Angel Rose'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue-2' x (Mituo Samera x Mituo Blue Bear) 'Blue'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue-2' x Jincheng Big Magic Bean
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue-2' x Mituo Blue Bear 'B#1'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue-2' x Mituo Love 'M#2'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue-2' x Mituo Sunrise 'Mituo#3'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Lilac'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Sun 'Mituo #1' x Ld's Bear King 'YK-10'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Sun Queen '63-2'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Sunrise 'Mituo #1'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Sunrise 'Mituo #3' x Mituo Purple Dragon 'Blue Penguin'
Phalaenopsis Mituo Sunrise 'Snow Red' x Mituo Obsidian
Phalaenopsis Mok Choi Yew 'M448' (MC)
Phalaenopsis Ohl Flame
Phalaenopsis Patti Lee x violacea 'Black-Purple'
Phalaenopsis Rainbow Falconer seedling
Phalaenopsis SWR GV 'Yin#1' x Tzu Chiang Litlitz 'Fumi'
Phalaenopsis SWR Snowflake 'Yang's Peloric'
Phalaenopsis SWR Snowflake x Tzu Chiang Tetralitz
Phalaenopsis SWR Snowflake x equestris 'alba'
Phalaenopsis SWR Wild Champagne 'Fireworks' x SWR Gigan Cherry 'SWR Ruby'
Phalaenopsis Samera (bellina 'Pink 6.5cm' x violacea 'Pink')
Phalaenopsis Shalu Rose x Yu Pin Fire Works
Phalaenopsis Shih-hua Green Apple
Phalaenopsis Su's Glad Kid (MC)
Phalaenopsis Su's Little Bambi (Meen Estrella x lindenii)
Phalaenopsis Su's Little Star (Meen Estrella x speciosa coerulea)
Phalaenopsis Tristar Snow Princess 'Tristar'
Phalaenopsis Tying Shin Phoenix 'ES#3'
Phalaenopsis Tzu Chiang Fairy 'Green Spots' x Tzu Chiang Tetralitz 'Flava'
Phalaenopsis Tzu Chiang Tetralitz 'Flava' x SWR GV 'M625'
Phalaenopsis Tzu Chiang Tetralitz 'Flava' x amabilis (Sabah) f flava
Phalaenopsis VOO Doo
Phalaenopsis Yaphon 'Yellow Story' x Nobby's 'Doctor Chu'
Phalaenopsis Yaphon 'Yellow Story' x Yaphon 'Yellow Bomb'
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Black Butterfly x Voo Doo
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Black Mushroom
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Black Snake #17 x Lioulin Bluebird 'Dark Blue Flat'
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Blue Jewel x Lioulin Blue Peacock (3445)
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Image x Mituo Golden Tiger 'Yellow Dragon'
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Star Diamond 'AN6601'
Phalaenopsis Zheng Min Muscadine 'Rainbow' x Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Purple Red'
Phalaenopsis bellina 'Blue' x pulchra
Phalaenopsis bellina 'Fire Shape' (MC)
Phalaenopsis bellina 'May' x 'Fruitful'
Phalaenopsis bellina alba
Phalaenopsis bellina blue
Phalaenopsis bellina blue x Mituo 'White Tiger'
Phalaenopsis bellina var Pink 'Curve No1' x 'Lee Curve'
Phalaenopsis corningiana 'Blue lip' x tetraspis 'Blue'
Phalaenopsis equestris alba
Phalaenopsis equestris aurea
Phalaenopsis equestris blue
Phalaenopsis equestris coerulea
Phalaenopsis equestris f Calayan
Phalaenopsis equestris red (B-100)
Phalaenopsis fuscata x sib
Phalaenopsis gigantea 'M-13' x Mituo Purple Dragon
Phalaenopsis gigantea alba 'Ta Wei' x Mituo Golden Tiger 'White Tiger'
Phalaenopsis gigantea x sanderiana
Phalaenopsis lindenii x micholitzii
Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana (Leyte type) x sib
Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana f coerulea x Tzu Chiang Tetralitz 'Flava'
Phalaenopsis micholitzii
Phalaenopsis modesta x sib
Phalaenopsis philippinensis
Phalaenopsis sanderiana x modesta
Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Phalaenopsis schilleriana 'TKB'
Phalaenopsis schilleriana 'TKP' x sib
Phalaenopsis schilleriana 'Wild Pink' x sib
Phalaenopsis schilleriana (Mei)
Phalaenopsis schilleriana Mainshow
Phalaenopsis schilleriana x sib (Prince)
Phalaenopsis speciosa 'Purple Mountain'
Phalaenopsis speciosa 'Purple Paw'
Phalaenopsis speciosa blue
Phalaenopsis speciosa coerulea #3 x Phalaenopsis Mituo GH King Star #16
Phalaenopsis speciosa coerulea ('Su's Bluish' x 'Su's Coffee Candy') #3 x Mituo GH King Star #16
Phalaenopsis stuartiana Sogo
Phalaenopsis stuartiana yellow x Yaphon Oh My God
Phalaenopsis tetraspis 'Blue ZW130' stem prop
Phalaenopsis tetraspis 'C#1'
Phalaenopsis tetraspis 'C2'
Phalaenopsis tetraspis 'Purple' stem prop
Phalaenopsis tetraspis 'Rosa' stem prop
Phalaenopsis tetraspis 'Smoked' stem prop
Phalaenopsis tetraspis alba x (Mituo Blue Smurfs 'Blue-5' - Speciosa 'Blue - Coffee')
Phalaenopsis zebrina
Phalaenopsis zebrina 'Palawan' x Mituo Reflex Dragon 'Blue -2'