Laeliocattleya Elegans 'Deep Blue' 4229 x Cattleya Leoloddiglossa 'SVO Speckled Blue' FCC/AOS 3279

(Lc. Elegans 'Deep Blue' 4229 x C. Leoloddiglossa 'SVO Speckled Blue' FCC/AOS 3279)

Вік Ціна
В наявності
Опис: SVO 9543

Увага! Класифікація визначає приблизний вік рослини вказаний постачальником, а не ії фізичні розміри. S/S - seedling size / сіянець, NB/S - near bluming size / молода рослина, яка не досягла віку цвітіння, B/S - bluming size / нецвіла, готова до цвітіння, F/S - flowering size / доросла, цвіла рослина

The Lc. Elegans (C. tigrina x L. purpurata) have impressive large flowers over 6” across, although only a few small spots are visible on ‘Deep Blue’ you know there are recessive spotted flower genes from the tigrina in the background. Leoloddiglossa 'SVO Speckled Blue’ has excellent shape and coerulea color, and it carries 20 or more well-presented flowers. The FCC is indicative of this fine quality. We know from our years of experience this type of cross will bring out spots in the progeny, we are expecting big 5” flowers or better with 6-9 blooms per inflorescence in coerulea and darker blue spots, slate blue lips on robust plants standing 16” tall, these will be impressive when mature. The reciprocal as SVO 9576 is also available, a unique opportunity to evaluate the differences between pod vs. pollen parents
Laeliocattleya Elegans 'Deep Blue' 4229 x Cattleya Leoloddiglossa 'SVO Speckled Blue' FCC/AOS 3279

Цвітіння орхідеї Laeliocattleya Elegans 'Deep Blue' 4229 x Cattleya Leoloddiglossa 'SVO Speckled Blue' FCC/AOS 3279