Clowesia Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Mormodes Aftermath 'SVO Nuclear Fallout' AM/AOS
(Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Morm. Aftermath 'SVO Nuclear Fallout' AM/AOS)
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Увага! Класифікація визначає приблизний вік рослини вказаний постачальником, а не ії фізичні розміри. S/S - seedling size / сіянець, NB/S - near bluming size / молода рослина, яка не досягла віку цвітіння, B/S - bluming size / нецвіла, готова до цвітіння, F/S - flowering size / доросла, цвіла рослина
This year we're offering just one Mormodia (Mormodes x Clowesia). Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) produces 15+ pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from leafless bulbs in mid-winter. We know that Mormodes are often dominant for color transmission and we are hoping that Morm. Aftermath (Mark Mills x Midnight Hooker) with its orange color with bold red spotting will transfer to their offspring. This cross will bloom late in the year with cascading inflorescences carrying 12-16 flowers in shades of orange with spots. They will also have a very intoxicating fragrance during the day. Mature plants will be spectacular.
Цвітіння орхідеї Clowesia Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Mormodes Aftermath 'SVO Nuclear Fallout' AM/AOS