Clowesetum Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' x Catasetum schunkei 'SVO'

(Clo. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' x Ctsm. schunkei 'SVO')

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Увага! Класифікація визначає приблизний вік рослини вказаний постачальником, а не ії фізичні розміри. S/S - seedling size / сіянець, NB/S - near bluming size / молода рослина, яка не досягла віку цвітіння, B/S - bluming size / нецвіла, готова до цвітіння, F/S - flowering size / доросла, цвіла рослина

How cool is this? It's a mini-Clowesetum! Cl. Grace Dunn (Cl. rosea x Cl. warczewitzii) is a small growing plant that blooms in mid-winter on leafless bulbs with multiple pendent inflorescences of 15 or more pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips and a wonderful citrus fragrance. Ctsm. schunkei is a rare Peruvian species. Plants are 6” tall and bloom with cascading inflorescences of many small flowers. The color is green with dense dark spots, and the yellow lip has comb-like fingers along the margin - pretty cool. This is a totally new type of breeding. We are confident that plants will be small, staying under 6” tall, and bloom in winter. Flower color is a bit trickier to predict. I think the flowers will be mostly in shades of green spotted with burgundy, and the lips will be yellow with pronounced fimbriation around the margins. This cross has good potential to be unique and desirable.
Clowesetum Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' x Catasetum schunkei 'SVO'

Цвітіння орхідеї Clowesetum Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' x Catasetum schunkei 'SVO'

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430 ₴