Catasetum Dentigrianum 'Very Nice' xCatasetum Susan Fuchs 'Burgundy Chips' FCC/AOS

(Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'Very Nice' xCtsm. Susan Fuchs 'Burgundy Chips' FCC/AOS)

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Увага! Класифікація визначає приблизний вік рослини вказаний постачальником, а не ії фізичні розміри. S/S - seedling size / сіянець, NB/S - near bluming size / молода рослина, яка не досягла віку цвітіння, B/S - bluming size / нецвіла, готова до цвітіння, F/S - flowering size / доросла, цвіла рослина

Ctsm. Dentigrianum (denticulatum x tigrinum) is a breakthrough in mini-Catasetum breeding. It's a primary hybrid, but what it lacks in genealogical complexity it makes up for in charm and shape, with beautifully-formed flowers in white, uniformly spotted with burgundy, and a soft yellow lip with a dentate margin.  Ctsm. Susan Fuchs (Orchidglade x expansum) is a well-known hybrid, and the cultivar 'Burgundy Chips,' with its large yellow flowers and bold burgundy spotting, is a proven breeder, with many successful hybrids to its credit. This cross may be one of the best of the mini-Catasetums yet produced! We are expecting excellent flower shape and beautifully spotted flowers with full lips, all on a small-growing, easy-to-bloom plant. As a bonus, these should bloom two or three times each year.
Catasetum Dentigrianum 'Very Nice' xCatasetum Susan Fuchs 'Burgundy Chips' FCC/AOS

Цвітіння орхідеї Catasetum Dentigrianum 'Very Nice' xCatasetum Susan Fuchs 'Burgundy Chips' FCC/AOS