Catasetum Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellent' x Catasetum Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson's Sunrise'

(Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellent' x Ctsm. Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson's Sunrise')

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Увага! Класифікація визначає приблизний вік рослини вказаний постачальником, а не ії фізичні розміри. S/S - seedling size / сіянець, NB/S - near bluming size / молода рослина, яка не досягла віку цвітіння, B/S - bluming size / нецвіла, готова до цвітіння, F/S - flowering size / доросла, цвіла рослина

Ctsm. Dentigrianum (denticulatum x tigrinum) 'SVO Excellence' is an amazing plant with a great flower! The plant is a strong bloomer as well, flowering multiple times a season. Ctsm. Portagee Star (Ctsm. pileatum x Ctsm. Black Knight) is comprised of just three species: pileatum, expansum and tenebrosum. The flower quality is surprisingly nice: the shape is full, the lip is flat, and the color is an attractive light yellow with a blush of red. These will be like super improved Ctsm. Chuck Taylor with larger flowers, fuller shape and pronounced dentate lips. Really wonderful mini-Catasetums.
Catasetum Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellent' x Catasetum Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson's Sunrise'

Цвітіння орхідеї Catasetum Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellent' x Catasetum Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson's Sunrise'